SELECTED IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: KOVALTRY® is contraindicated in patients who have a history of hypersensitivity reactions to the active substance, to any of the excipients, or to mouse or hamster proteins. CONTINUE READING BELOW >


is contraindicated in patients who have a history of hypersensitivity reactions to the active substance, to any of the excipients, or to mouse or hamster proteins.


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KOVALTRY® Antihemophilic Factor (Recombinant) is a recombinant human DNA sequence derived, full length Factor VIII concentrate indicated for use in adults and children with hemophilia A for:

On-demand treatment and control of bleeding episodes

Perioperative management of bleeding

Routine prophylaxis to reduce the frequency of bleeding episodes

KOVALTRY is not indicated for the treatment of von Willebrand disease.


KOVALTRY is contraindicated in patients who have a history of hypersensitivity reactions to the active substance, to any of the excipients, or to mouse or hamster proteins.

Hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, are possible with KOVALTRY. Early signs of hypersensitivity reactions, which can progress to anaphylaxis, may include chest or throat tightness, dizziness, mild hypotension and nausea. Discontinue KOVALTRY if symptoms occur and seek immediate emergency treatment.

KOVALTRY may contain trace amounts of mouse and hamster proteins. Patients treated with this product may develop hypersensitivity to these non-human mammalian proteins.

Neutralizing antibody (inhibitor) formation has occurred following administration of KOVALTRY. Previously untreated patients (PUPs) are at greatest risk for inhibitor development with all Factor VIII products. Carefully monitor patients for the development of Factor VIII inhibitors, using appropriate clinical observations and laboratory tests. If expected plasma Factor VIII activity levels are not attained or if bleeding is not controlled as expected with administered dose, suspect the presence of an inhibitor.

Hemophilic patients with cardiovascular risk factors or diseases may be at the same risk to develop cardiovascular events as non-hemophilic patients when clotting has been normalized by treatment with Factor VIII.

Catheter-related infections may occur when KOVALTRY is administered via central venous access devices (CVADs). These infections have not been associated with the product itself.

The most frequently reported adverse reactions in clinical trials (≥5%) were inhibitors in previously untreated patients (PUPs)/minimally treated patients (MTPs), and pyrexia, headache, and rash.

For additional important risk and use information, please see full Prescribing Information.